În perioada 20-27 August 2023 are loc a-8-a ediție a Festivalului Internațional de Film BEYOND BORDERS, în cadrul căreia au fost selectați studenții noștri Robert Kocsis și Dana Gabriela Cotovanu după cum urmează:
Robert Kocsis cu filmul Morning routine la secțiunea de film studentesc μicro Competition Section
„On a morning of a random day, a young Romanian director starts scrolling on his mobile phone, searching and trying to find out how to make his next documentary about the Ukrainian conflict. He has some interviews with people from around the world about this subject, but he does not know how to use them. While scrolling on his phone, he comes across three things: talking to his friends, things he likes and the Ukrainian war. Just him and the phone. What will be the final form of the documentary?”
Dana Gabriela Cotovanu cu filmul Are they still fighting? la secțiunea Pitching Lab
„I want to make a documentary about violence in Romanian villages, promoted and mirrored by a traditional winter event at the end of the year – The Battle of Ruginoasa (the name of the place).”
Pentru a accesa programul întreg al festivalului accesați Beyond Borders Cataloque
photo credit: beyondborders.gr